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Fleximania Continues In Italy
The revolt against speed cameras continued last week in France, Germany and Italy.

Spraypainted speed camera in Mettmann, Germany
By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports

The Italian speed camera vigilante known as Fleximan returned last week. On Saturday, his trademark angle grinder sliced through the pole of the speed camera on Strada Statale 26 in Ivrea, which is north of Turin. On Thursday, he cut down the speed camera pole on the Strada Provinciale 253 near Godo with an angle grinder, marking the fifth such attack in the Ravenna area.

Fleximan also continued to inspire imitators throughout Italy. On Saturday, vigilantes in Sannicandro di Bari toppled a pair of brand new red light cameras, just after their installation. Also on Saturday in Casale di Scodosia, pro-motoring activists used power tools to completely remove a set of three speed bumps in the town.

In Glashutten, Germany, vigilantes on Thursday torched the speed camera on Bundesstrasse 8, according to police reports. Officials in Mannheim set up a mobile speed camera on the Am Aubuckel on Wednesday, but by Thursday it had been rendered useless by a coat of white spraypaint. In Mettmann, the same paint was used to blind the speed camera on Gruitener Strasse on Saturday, February 10. The unknown vigilantes also removed the 30km/h (19 MPH) speed limit sign.

Vigilantes in Graces, France, applied green spraypaint to the speed camera on the RN12 on Saturday, defeating its ability to issue automated tickets. In Thionville, members of the young farmers protest group stacked heavy tractor tires over the speed camera on the RD14.

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