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Vigilantes Trash Speed Cameras In Germany And Italy
A garbage can took out a German speed camera last week while Italian vigilantes knocked a camera down with a club.

Toppled Italian speed camera
By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports

Vigilantes in Altlandsberg, Germany, trashed the speed camera on Landstrasse 33 on Sunday by covering the device with a full-size garbage can. In Birkenfeld, foes of automated ticketing machines have repeatedly attacked the photo radar device stationed at the intersection of Alte Pforzheimer Strasse and Leipziger Strasse. Police have no idea who might be responsible. In Bad Tolz, the speed camera operator claims eleven percent of cars traveling on Jahnstrasse are receiving a 100 euro ticket in the mail. In response, vigilantes have been regularly knocking the mobile photo radar trailers out of service.

In Busnago, Italy, the speed camera on Via Manzoni was beaten with clubs until it fell over on Monday, June 19. In Citta di Castello, vigilantes used silver paint to blind the automated ticketing machines last week.

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