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Speed Camera Triggers Police Shooting In Germany, Attacks Worldwide
A speed camera triggers a shootout in Germany, a massive accident in Italy and various attacks in New Mexico, Australia, Belgium, France and Italy.

Smashed photo radar car in Germany
By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports

Vigilantes in Albuquerque, New Mexico swiped the speed camera that had been issuing automated tickets at the intersection of Lead Avenue and Cornell Drive on Monday, June 27. The device was cut from its mounting base after having issued automated citations for a little over two weeks. By allowing a private company to install, operate and issue tickets with the devices, the city council defied the will of voters expressed in a 2011 referendum overturning the city's prior red light camera program. The city had its camera operator remove the camera located at Coal Avenue and Cornell Drive to prevent the device from being grabbed. Two other cameras remain in use.

In Melbourne, Australia, another speed camera car was attacked on Thursday, June 23. The vehicle was issuing fully automated tickets on Balcombe Road in Beaumaris when an unknown individual walked up and smashed its windows. In Amberg, Germany, a 34-year-old man walked up to a BMW photo radar car that was issuing automated speed camera tickets on Tuesday and fully smashed its front windshield with a large rock. Another police car arrived to the scene as the attack unfolded. One of the responding officers opened fire, striking the man in the arm. He was treated at a local hospital, and the use of force is now under review.

In Flanders, Belgium, attacks on speed cameras are becoming more serious, but not more numerous. There were 31 attacks on automated ticketing machines in 2021 -- just two more than in 2020. The number of cameras out of service, however, has doubled from 10 to 21.

In Lucca, Italy, vigilantes cut down the pole-mounted speed camera issuing automated tickets on the Via di Moriano on Sunday, June 26. A speed camera triggered a massive crash in Tolentino Tuesday as a driver noticed the device on the side of the road and slammed on the brakes to avoid receiving a ticket. A large white van following behind swerved into a divided traffic barrier to avoid colliding with the car. The damage was so severe that local firefighters struggled to extricate the driver and his passenger from the twisted wreckage. The driver had to be taken by helicopter to a local hospital to treat serious injuries.

On Sunday, vigilantes in Rillieux-la-Pape, France, torched the speed camera on the RN83. In Montagny on Friday, opponents of automated ticketing blinded the speed camera on the RD504 with red spraypaint. Similarly, the camera on the RN2 in Dourlers was thwarted with black and blue paint on Monday, June 27. Around the same time, the speed camera on the RD136 in Peroy-les-Gombries was destroyed by fire. On Tuesday, June 21, vigilantes grabbed the speed camera on the A84 in Villers-Bocage.

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