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France, Italy, The Netherlands, UK: Destruction And Obstruction For Speed Cameras
Speed cameras across Europe last week are toppled and trashed.

Dutch speed camera on fire
In Loreggia, Italy, vigilantes set fire to the speed camera located on the Via Pio X on Saturday causing ony superficial damage. On Friday, the automated ticketing machine on the Via XXV Aprile in Merate was blinded with white spraypaint. The speed cameras on the Via Melucci in Rimini was likewise blinded, except the vigilantes peeled the official sticker from the side of the camera and reapplied it over the camera lens. In Vittorio Veneto, vigilantes on February 24 blinded the speed camera on the Via Generale Giardino with black spraypaint. Just a day previously, some resident placed fake speed camera boxes throughout the area inscribed with the slogan, "Vittorio Veneto, the city with more speed cameras than citizens!"

Vigilantes in The Netherlands used a tire to fuel the flames that melted the speed camera on the N564 in Weert on Sunday. In Clydebank, England, the public hurled garbage at the driver of a speed camera van that had been set up to trap motorists passing through Duntocher Road on February 14.

On Friday, the turret speed camera on the RN1019 in Bourogne, France, was cut down and set on fire just a day after being returned to service. Likewise on Thursday, the camera on the RN109 in Morvillars was hacked down and torched not long after it was installed.

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