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UK, Australia Anti-Camera Violence Escalates
A third letter bomb strikes the UK agency that issues speed camera penalty points while Australian cameras are damaged by gunfire.

Multanova speed camera
Violence against speed cameras and the firms that operate the devices for profit have been targeted in both the UK and Australia. Two men in Melbourne were seen yesterday at 11:45pm shooting a speed camera in Blackburn North with a pistol. The attack broke the device's lens, but did not penetrate further and do any damage to the electronics.

Police failed to find the individuals despite searching with a helicopter and dogs. The Criminal Investigation Unit will now consider anyone who received a red light camera ticket as a suspect.

In the UK yesterday, a third letter bomb struck the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency headquarters in Swansea. The DVLA is responsible for imposing penalty points on drivers who receive speed camera tickets.

Source: Red light cameras shot at (Courier-Mail (Australia), 2/8/2007)

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