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Australia Protests Camera, UK Destroys Them
Two UK speed cameras destroyed, while Australian protester eliminates camera profit.

Rammed speed camera
A driver rammed a speed camera near Peterborough, UK, in what may have been a deliberate attack. Cambridgeshire police were forced to remove the device, leaving only the stump pictured. Meanwhile, arsonists who failed in an attempt Saturday to torch a speed camera in Teesside, UK on the A66 succeeded on Tuesday in eliminating the £40,000 machine. Tires were used with a flammable liquid to set the blaze.

Yesterday, motorists in East Ringwood, Victoria, Australia received early warning that a mobile speed camera was hidden amongst trees and trash bins. Someone had created a huge sign indicating the trap ahead, and violations quickly dropped to zero. The mobile camera operator, whose use of the van's heater fogged the windows, had no idea what was going on. A local reporter documented the scene for the Herald Sun.

Article Excerpt:
Mr [Stuart] Clarkson [spokesman for Cambridgeshire police's road safety unit] said: "The camera had to be taken away for safety reasons. We hope to have it back in a week or two. "Even though the camera has disappeared from the road, I urge drivers to stick within the 30mph speed limit.
Source: TRAFFIC: Did disgruntled driver do this to speed camera? (Peterborough Today (UK), 4/15/2005)

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