France, Germany: Speed Cameras Burned, PaintedA half-dozen speed cameras in Germany and France were taken out of service last week.

Vigilantes in Fay-de-Bretagne, France, on Friday set fire to the speed camera on the N171. The remaining wreckage has since been removed. On Wednesday, the pole-mounted "turret" speed camera in Tonnay-Charente had its lenses smashed, according to Association Info Trafic 17. On Tuesday, the speed camera on the RD791 in Planguenoual was covered in yellow-orange spraypaint. Yellow was the color of choice for blinding the RD7 speed camera in Amigny-Rouy. In Orchamps, red spraypaint blinded the RD673 speed camera on August 15. Likewise, white spraypaint and green foam was used to keep the RD1000 speed camera in Soyaux from issuing automated tickets.
In Peine, Germany, vigilantes on Saturday used paint to blind the newly installed speed camera on Heideweg, according to the local police.