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UK: Man Ticketed While Helping Suffering Wife
Retired Cumbria, UK man faces court hearing for driving 5 MPH over the limit while his wife suffered epileptic seizure.

Cumbria speed camera
Cumbria, UK Police will show no mercy toward a man accused of driving 5 MPH over the speed limit while his wife suffered an epileptic seizure. Officials refused to drop charges against Sydney Duffy, 63, even though his speed only momentarily drifted above the limit as he aided his suffering wife near his home in Penrith. A speed camera photograph of the incident shows Rovina Duffy clutching her head in pain as the Vauxhall Zafira minivan hurtled past a speed camera van at an alleged 35 MPH on February 23.

"Rovina is distraught," Sydney Duffy told the Mail on Sunday newspaper. "At first, I tried to keep it from her because I thought it would distress her, but I had to tell her once the letters started coming through the door. Going to court will be traumatic for her."

Rovina Duffy suffers regular epileptic fits as a result of serious health problems. Sydney Duffy cares for her full-time. The £60 (US $120) fine would become the only speeding ticket the man has received in 43 years of driving. Cumbria Constabulary found these excuses to be irrelevant and scheduled a court date.

"Whilst I sympathize with the circumstances surrounding your wife's health, and in particular on this journey, your speed was within the parameters where a fixed penalty will be processed and therefore the penalty will stand," the police letter explained. "Our file has already been submitted to the prosecutions department and you will be sent the relevant paperwork in due course."

Source: Pensioner dragged through courts for doing 35mph in 30 zone as wife was having epileptic fit (Mail on Sunday (UK), 5/7/2008)

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