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Arizona: Speed Camera Under Investigation in Fatal Crash
Speed camera suspected as contributing cause of a fatal Scottsdale, Arizona motorcycle accident.

William Scardina
A Scottsdale, Arizona motorcyclist died in an accident that may have been caused by the presence of a speed camera. On February 15, a small group of motorcyclists were riding at slow speeds in a residential area on Dixiletta Drive where a speed camera van had been set up to ticket passing motorists. William Scardina, 61, lost control of his 2006 Harley Davidson while attempting to avoid colliding with the riders ahead of him who had reacted to the camera by slamming their brakes. Scardina was not wearing a helmet when he struck the pavement and suffered fatal injuries.

The Arizona Republic reported that Scottsdale police are investigating the speed camera van's role in Scardina's death. As a mortgage broker, father and board member of the Black Mountain Motorcycle Club, Scardina was well-liked. A "Celebration of Life" memorial service for him is scheduled for March 2.

This is not the first time that a photo enforcement device has been involved in a collision. Last year, a red light camera struck and killed a woman in Fayetteville, North Carolina.

Source: Did photo-radar van contribute to fatal crash? (Arizona Republic, 2/21/2008)

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