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UK: Fire Trucks to Issue Parking, Traffic Tickets
Firetrucks in South Yorkshire, UK will soon begin issuing traffic and parking tickets.

Yorkshire fire truck
Thirty firefighting vehicles in Yorkshire, UK are to be equipped with Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras that will give the trucks the ability to mail out tickets for traffic and parking violations. The South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service is expected to implement the program within the next few months, claiming it would improve safety.

South Yorkshire police chief Meredydd Hughes has promoted the idea of massively expanding the number ANPR ticketing cameras so that no motorist could drive without being in sight of a camera. In 2005, he suggested cameras be placed, "every 400 yards along the motorway."

The Fire Brigades' Union opposes the move because it would sour the relationship between the public and firefighters.

"It is clearly a police remit and something we don't want our members linked with because it would lead to attacks on firefighters," union spokesman Gerry Pagan told the Yorkshire Post newspaper.

Source: Move to bring fire engines into the fight against crime (Yorkshire Post, 1/15/2007)

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