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UK: Motorist Imprisoned Over Paid Ticket
Police in Radcliffe, UK imprison a motorist for failure to appear in court -- even though he had proof that he did appear.

Jail cell
Police in Radcliffe, Northumberland, UK imprisoned a motorist for failure to appear in court, even though he did appear. Dayne Smith, 21, was present as Bury Magistrates' Court imposed a £200 (US $391) fine, which Smith's father paid.

Despite this, police officers obtained and delivered an arrest warrant to Smith. Smith went to the police station to correct the error by showing proof of payment. Instead, a desk sergeant told him to return on Monday. When Smith arrived as instructed, police handcuffed him and threw him in a cell for six hours.

"I showed them my dad's credit card statement with it on," Smith told the The Bolton News. "I thought that would be the end of it, but I couldn't believe it when they adjourned for lunch. I couldn't understand why I was in the cells and in handcuffs anyway just for speeding."

Smith is now considering suing for false imprisonment.

Source: Locked Up Over A Speeding Fine Already Paid (Bolton News (UK), 1/12/2007)

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