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Australia: Court Overturns Adelaide Speed Trap
A court in Adelaide, Australia overturned a speeding conviction at an intersection that appears to have two separate speed limits.

Grote Street
The Adelaide, Australia Magistrates Court today overturned a speed camera fine issued to a local businessman because it wasn't clear which speed limit applied at a busy intersection. The ruling sets the stage for hundreds of motorists to appeal their tickets after they were caught in the same speed trap.

In July, Rene Spruyt received a A$567 ticket in the mail when his Holden Commodore went across West Tce into Sir Donald Bradman Drive, which has a 60km/h limit. At the same intersection, Grote Street has a 50km/h limit. The speed camera applied the 50km/h limit for the citation.

"We now also have the ludicrous situation where people turning left or right from Grote Street into West Tce are able to do 60km/h, but those going over Grote Street into West Tce have to do 50km/h until they reach the 60km/h zone on Sir Donald Bradman Drive," Police prosecutor Senior Constable Bill Kerins told the Townsville Bulletin.

Source: Speed cameras fine farce (Townsville Bulletin (Australia), 1/3/2007)

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