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Australia: Ticket Challengers to be Audited
New South Wales, Australia will audit every speed camera ticket recipient who said he was not driving at the time of the offense.

NSW Treasurer Michael Costa
New South Wales, Australia speed camera ticket recipients will now be audited if they ever signed a notice saying that they were not driving at the time of the offense. With 700,000 statutory declarations to verify, the NSW Debt Recovery Office will concentrate on using automated means to uncover individuals who can be charged A$461 for making an incorrect statement.

"This is not being done to increase revenue," NSW Treasurer Michael Costa said.

For now, the plan is to check each name against a list of licensed drivers and death records to see if the person named as the driver was actually capable of driving when the camera took the photo. The issue became prominent as prominent former federal court judge Marcus Einfeld, 66, has been accused of using a form to turn his $77 speed camera ticket over to a woman who had been dead for several years.

Of the 2.5 million tickets handed out each year, about eight percent are challenged with a statutory declaration.

Source: Einfeld case leads to audit on fines (The Australian, 10/7/2006)

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