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UK: Man Charged $10,700 for Fighting Camera Ticket in Court
UK court imposes a $10,700 charge on a man accused by a camera of driving 10 MPH over the limit and who contested his ticket.

Salford Magistrates Court
Outraged that a motorist would challenge a £60 speed camera citation, a Salford, UK magistrates' court judge imposed a £3200 (US $6000) penalty last week on Arthur Hayes, 54, to discourage others from exercising their legal rights. A camera had accused Hayes of driving 40 MPH in a 30 MPH zone in Greater Manchester in October 2004.

Hayes challenged the ticket because he would have lost his license if found guilty. He argued that the speed camera was used in violation of government guidelines, but a judge decided these guidelines were not binding.

Hayes' lawyer, Barry Culshaw, was also charged £2588 (US $4700) in "court costs," earning the court a total £5700 (US $10,700) in profit. Culshaw is considering an appeal.

Source: How a 60 fine turned into 3,200 court fight (London Times (UK), 8/13/2006)

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