UK: Camera Issues Tickets for Legal TurnsCCTV camera issues ticket to motorists who perform legal turn in a parking lot.
A closed circuit tv (CCTV) camera in South London, UK has been ticketing motorists for perorming a perfectly legal turn in a private parking lot between June 20 and July 10. Paul Gambrill, 53, contested a £75 (US $135) fine he received last week in a Haynes Lane parking lot in Upper Norwood.
"If you don't pay within 10 days the fine goes up to £95 (US $175) so I wonder how many people thought, 'it's a parking fine, I'll just write out a check,'" Gambrill told the South London Advertiser newspaper. "But right away I thought, OK, I'm going to do something about this."
As a result of Gambrill's complaint UK Parking Control Ltd, the company that operates the ticketing program, was forced to fix the camera. Despite this, local businesses are still feeling the sting in lost trade.
"We have regular visitors to the market who are absolutely livid about what's going on," an owner told the Advertiser. "Trade up here is poor enough without this extra hassle."