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Australia: Majority Reject Speed Cameras
Two-thirds of motorists in Victoria, Australia don't believe cameras are primarily about safety.

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A majority of Australians reject the government's claim that speed cameras are in place as a safety measure. According to a survey by AAMI, an insurance company, 64 percent of motorists in the state of Victoria believe that speed camera ticketing is "mainly a revenue-raising exercise." Another 58 percent said they believe speed cameras are inaccurate. A number of embarrassing incidents have questioned speed camera evidence, including a NSW Supreme Court decision and the Victorian government's refund last year of 165,000 speed camera tickets to motorists who had been wrongly accused of speeding. The poll sought opinions from 2400 individuals nationwide.

Earlier this month, the Liberal opposition party introduced "A Fairer Deal for Motorists" that promised to eliminate bonus payments to speed camera operators, confusing speed zones and the practice of using covert cameras. The current red light and speed camera system generates A$250 million a year in revenue.

Source: Victorian speed cameras most despised (Australian Associated Press, 4/18/2006)

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