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Cleveland, Ohio Cameras Cash in on Outsiders
The new Cleveland, Ohio speed camera program generates hundreds of thousands in revenue primarily from non-residents.

Kevin Conwell
Three-quarters of those ticketed by Cleveland, Ohio's speed camera system in its first month of operation don't live in the city, meeting an explicit goal of city council members who established the program last year. A camera located at Chester Avenue and East 71st Street issued all but 71 of 2380 tickets mailed out between November 29 to December 31. All together, the system raised at least $238,000 in revenue from citations of $100 or $200 each, depending on the speed claimed.

The Cleveland Plain Dealer reports that the city council's Public Safety Committee chairman, Kevin Conwell, suggested locations for camera placements last summer that "just get the people coming from the suburbs." These out-of-town residents have no representation on the city council. Former Mayor Jane Campbell championed the speed camera program last year as a means of adding millions of dollars to the city budget.

Source: 2,300 caught on camera (Cleveland Plain Dealer, 1/25/2006)

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