Cleveland Counts Up the Number of Tickets it NeedsThe city council in Cleveland, Ohio is counting the number of red light camera tickets it needs to issue to meet the mayor's budget targets.
Cleveland, Ohio Mayor Jane Campbell promised that the planned installation of red light cameras would fill the city coffers with $6.5 million in profit. The city council is now counting just how many tickets they'd have to issue to reach that figure.
Council President Frank Jackson estimates the city would need to nearly double the amount of tickets it issues for all moving violations. It would take 118,000 of the $124 red light camera citations to reach the mayor's budget target.
Three red light camera companies have provided bids that estimate the city's potential profit between $4 and $6.8 million.
Article Excerpt:
[Council President Frank] Jackson said the city gets only $55 of the average $124 ticket from running a red light. The remaining money goes to the state, court costs and other programs. At $55 a pop, the city would have to issue 118,000 tickets to reach Campbell'sSource: Campbell's ticket plan unrealistic, council says (Cleveland Plain Dealer, 2/12/2005)
goal, Jackson said. Cleveland issued 153,000 tickets last year for all moving violations, including speeding, going through stop signs and other violations.
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