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Girard, Ohio Speed Camera Swiped
The camera that had generated $85,000 in revenue for Girard, Ohio is now missing.

Girard speed camera
Officials in Girard, Ohio admit they have no idea where their speed camera is. The device had been very profitable for the city, generating $85,000 in revenue since it went live August 8. A technician for the German camera contractor Traffipax which operates the device in return for a cut of the revenue noticed it had disappeared when he went to check on the system at 5:45am on Wednesday.

Although Traffipax quickly replaced the $70,000 machine with a second camera they had planned to deploy on city streets, it may not be issuing tickets for long. Two pending lawsuits argue that the city's use of the device is illegal. Newly re-elected city councilman Dan Moadus and his attorney James Denney filed a lawsuit in October. Denney had taken on the case for free after the city had placed the camera on his private property without permission. Brian P. Kish and David Betras filed a second lawsuit challenging the system.

An expected vote by Ohio's state Senate later this year also could pull the plug on Girard's enterprise. Two-thirds of Ohio's House of Representatives approved legislation in May explicitly outlawing Girard's use of photo ticketing.

Article Excerpt:
Atty. James Denney's eyes widened with disbelief when informed the camera was gone. Denney is adamantly against use of the camera. "Thank God," the Girard lawyer who has law offices on South State Street said as he looked up to the heavens and crossed himself. "We're going to have a party tonight.
Source: Speed camera stolen in a fast one (Vindicator (Girard, Ohio), 1/4/2006)

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