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New Camera Attacks in Canada, UK
Four Canadian red light cameras vandalized and one UK speed camera destroyed in recent attacks.

Winnipeg camera
Several red light and speed cameras in both Canada and the UK have been destroyed or vandalized in the past week.

Around 3 a.m. on Monday in Lancashire, UK a burning tire completely destroyed a speed camera. This is the second time the camera located on Riversway in Preston has been burned. Dozens of cameras in the area have suffered a similar fate over the past two years.

In Winnipeg, Canada a pickaxe smashed three of the city's thirty red light cameras between last Thursday and this Monday. According to the police, the cameras' internal workings survived the attacks. Spraypaint was used to disable a fourth camera located at Portage Avenue and Dominion Street.

In 2004, five of the city's cameras were knocked down, run over, and assaulted with a pickaxe. In March 2003 a man used a shotgun on a camera located at Marion Street.

Winnipeg officials want to double the number of red light cameras in the city having collected $35,501,529.55 in revenue since the devices were activated in January 2003. ACS takes its own share of the profits with a $30.8 million contract.

Source: Vandals attack traffic cams ( Winnipeg Free Press (Canada), 8/30/2005)

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