Australia: Inaccurate Speed Cameras WithdrawnOver 180 speed cameras have been withdrawn over concerns they pick up false readings.
Police in Queensland, Australia have withdrawn 180 car-mounted mobile speed cameras over concerns that they are "too sensitive." The devices have been picking up speed readings even when no vehicles are visible to the operator. A trial last week in Victoria uncovered evidence that the devices are routinely used in such a way that nearby metal objects can reflect the beams causing reflections and erroneous readings.
The Queensland state government has increased the number of police man-hours devoted to speed cameras from 50,000 in 2003 to 70,000 in the last fiscal year. Another 200,000 hours is spent on conventional speed ticket patrols. Sixty percent of Queensland motorists believe speed camera enforcement is primarily about revenue raising, according to an Australian Transport Safety Bureau survey.
Article Excerpt:
Opposition Leader Lawrence Springborg said other crime-solving may be suffering because of the time being devoted to speed cameras.Source: Why we take a dim view of speed cameras (Sunday Mail Queensland (Australia), 8/7/2005)
"These figures support community concern that the Government is more concerned with increasing revenue than it is in investigating crimes like break-and-enters," he said.
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