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UK: M11 Speed Cameras Double Crash Toll
Crash fatalities double after cameras installed on M11 in UK. Government proposes to add more cameras.

In 2001, UK officials installed a speed camera on the M11 freeway connecting London and Cambridge. In the three years before the device was activated, the death toll stood at ten, with only five accidents related to excessive speed. In the three years following the installation, fatalities nearly doubled to eighteen with eleven speed-related accidents.

The camera generates £4.3 million (US $7.6 million) in revenue each year. Officials now want to add two additional cameras.

Article Excerpt:
Angry campaigners claim accidents on the stretch of road near the end of the motorway soared because drivers brake sharply when they spot the speedcam. Motorist Pauline Caley, 42, said: "The speedcams make things more dangerous, not safer. You have to slow down really quickly from 70mph to 40mph and motorists slam on their brakes at the last moment."
Source: SPEEDCAM DOUBLES SMASHES ON M-WAY (People (UK), 7/31/2005)

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