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UK: Bath Official Wants More Potholes
Bath, UK Councillor proposes to slow traffic by letting roads deteriorate.

Councillor Andy Furse
Bath, UK Councillor Andy Furse wants the city's roads to deteriorate as a "traffic calming" measure akin to, but cheaper than, speed bumps.

"When people are confronted by less well-maintained road surfaces with potholes, they tend to drive slower," Furse told the Bath Chronicle. "And taxpayers would make significant savings, first because less would be spent on road surfaces, and second because less would be spent on road-calming measures such as speed cameras and road humps."

Furse clarifies that bus and bicycle lanes would be kept free of potholes. Several of Furse's fellow Councillors are less enthusiastic about the idea.

Article Excerpt:
Cllr Sir Elgar Jenkins (Con, Bathwick), the council's executive member for transport and highways, said: "It doesn't stand up. I assumed at first it was a joke, but if Cllr Furse is considering pursuing it, he needs to ask himself exactly what he is doing."
Source: Why potholes are good for Bath (Bath Chronicle (UK), 7/25/2005)

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