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Sussex, UK Speed Cam Errors Exposed
As many as 400 Sussex, UK motorists have received speed camera tickets that they did not deserve.

Sussex speed camera
As many as 400 Sussex, UK motorists have received speed camera tickets that they did not deserve, authorities with the Sussex Safety Camera Partnership admit. The Partnership, responsible for operating the cameras, believes one of its employees incorrectly entered a location code for a speed camera's film roll, which contains images of about 400 vehicles.

Dozens of motorists had contacted their newspaper to complain about tickets they received for being in two places at the same time. A Partnership spokesman said that, "It's unfortunate this sort of thing makes people have a greater distrust of cameras."

Article Excerpt:
Philip Hale, spokesman for the RAC, said: "The majority of motorists are still opposed to speed cameras and about 70 per cent believe they have been put in place for revenue-raising rather than road safety."
Source: More motorists hit by speed camera blunder (The Argus (UK), 3/29/2005)

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