Australia: Truckers Defeat Safe-T-CamTruckers in Australia use a number of tricks to avoid speed averaging cameras.

Truckers in Australia have learned that they can beat the speed averaging cameras known as Safe-T-Cam. The devices photograph the truck at two locations -- often separated by miles -- and to determine the average speed of the vehicle.
Police have found truckers have essentially rendered the system useless by spraying hairspray on their license plate, driving on the wrong side of the road and even turning off their lights to avoid the devices.
A police officer told the Daily Telegraph, "In the past two years I believe I've detected more than 200 heavy vehicles switching off their lights to avoid the Safe-T-Cams. That's the
most common and dangerous method."
Article Excerpt:``The hair spray does work, it creates a reflective surface on a number plate so when the image is taken it completely washes it out.'' A Daily Telegraph test shows how the spray works.