Merseyside, UK: Speed Cameras Increase Death RateDeaths are on the rise, despite heavy speed camera enforcement in Merseyside, UK.

Merseyside, UK has announced a new speed camera blitz designed to increase the number of speeding citations issued by 150 percent over the next 12 months. Previous camera enforcement efforts raised £2 million in revenue and resulted in an increase, not decrease, in deaths from 2002-2004.
By adding new mobile speed camera sites, the police hope to boost revenue to £3 million in the next year, handing out 30,000 additional speeding citations.
Article Excerpt:
The force hopes this will lead to a massive rise in the number of speeding fines handed out this year - up from 20,000 in the past 12 months to 50,000 next year.Source: Blitz on speeding motorists (Liverpool Echo, 3/11/2005)
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