UK: Captain Gatso Flips a Speed CameraMotorists Against Detection disable a speed camera in Brent Cross, UK.

Last week, a speed camera in Brent Cross, UK was flipped around so that it faced the wrong way. Captain Gatso, leader of Motorists Against Detection (MAD), claimed responsibility on behalf of his 300 member group.
Captain Gatso conceals his identity by wearing a Tony Blair mask (pictured). His group takes credit for disabling a thousand speed cameras throughout the UK over the past few years.
Article Excerpt:
One of the group's founders, a man who calls himself Captain Gatso, said: "We have about 300 members active all around the UK and as the election comes up we're going to step it up. We'll be targeting this road Hendon Way and others like it all over the country."Source: Saboteurs To Hit Speed Cameras (Barnet Times (UK), 2/25/2005)
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