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NSW, Australia Transport Chief Proposes Lower Fines
Newly appointed NSW, Australia Roads Minister Michael Costa is proposing to lower speed camera fines while raising the points assessed.

NSW, Australia Roads Minister Michael Costa
Bowing to public pressure, newly appointed NSW, Australia Roads Minister Michael Costa is proposing to lower speed camera fines in exchange for an increase in the points assessed against drivers' licenses. Currently, a speed camera offense between 0-15km/h over the limit faces a $130 and two demerit points. Under the new plan, the fine drops to $75 but the points go up to three -- a change sure to earn the support of the insurance industry.

Speed cameras generate $1 million in revenue every week for the state. The 0-15km/h category accounted for two-thirds of speeding fines in 2003 (368,099 out of 551,568).

Costa explained his actions in an op-ed printed in the Sydney Daily Telegraph: "As I drive around the state I experience the same frustrations about aspects of our road system as every other motorist in NSW. One issue I'll be closely looking at is constantly changing speed limits." He also promised additional measures to deal with "Lane hoggers, motorists who drive slowly in right hand lanes on motorways and highways cause major traffic blocks and driver frustration [could face a] possible increase of the $130 penalty for this offence."

The new regulations are expected to take effect in March.

Article Excerpt:
On Mr Costa's hit list are the maze of speed limit zones -- which he wants to make more consistent -- citing some instances where drivers are forced to travel through dozens of changes in speed in the course of only a few kilometres.
Source: Revolution on our roads (Daily Telegraph (Sydney, Australia), 2/16/2005)

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