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More Cameras Mean Fewer Cops
A rise in the use of speed cameras coincides with a decline in police patrols of Australian roads.

Holden Commodore Cop Caf
As speed camera usage has picked up down under, the average distance traveled by police cars has been on the decline. Documents secured under the freedom of information act show that the average cop car has 3,000 fewer k/m on it, despite a rise in the amount of travel on Australian roads.

Key Statistic:
THE state's highway patrol cars are vanishing off our highways with new figures revealing the fleet is travelling 2000km less a day than six years
Fleet maintenance documents, obtained under the Freedom of Information Act,
show that in 1998 the average kilometres travelled for the 385 vehicles in the
highway patrol fleet was 51,792km. By 2003 the average distance had fallen to
47,900km for 401 vehicles.

Source: Highway patrol cars not going very far (Sydney Daily Telegraph (Australia), 12/22/2004)

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