Louisiana: 2488 Refunds from Unfair Speed Camera TrapPublic complaints force Livingston Parish, Louisiana to refund 2488 tickets issued at unfair speed camera trap.

Motorists caught in a notorious speed camera trap on Interstate 12 in Livingston Parish, Louisiana had their tickets canceled last month. After numerous public complaints, officials were forced to admit 2488 citations were unfairly issued between January 26 and February 5, according to the Baton Rouge Business Report.
Redflex Traffic Systems of Australia has operated the speed camera van on the parish's behalf since January. As a productivity incentive, the company pockets $33 for every ticket it is able to issue. Redflex found the most profitable position was around mile marker 15 on I-12 where the speed limit drops from 70 MPH to 60. Because there is no perceptible change in the freeway at the location, those who missed the sign or failed to slam on the brakes became the targets for an instant ticket.
Livingston Parish photo citations cost vehicle owners between $100 and $464 each, and so far Redflex has issued 7,247 of them, generating substantial revenue for local officials.
"Recognizing our unique ability to reach this market's untapped possibilities, we are excited to build relationships with local governments like Livingston Parish," Redflex Holdings Board Member Karen Finley said in a statement last year celebrating the five-year contract it signed with the parish.
Earlier this month, the Louisiana State Police issued a $182 ticket to a Redflex speed camera van for the driver's failure to use a turn signal on the interstate in Livingston Parish.