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California: Overturned Parking Ticket Blocks Vehicle Registration
A Valencia, California man is haunted by an improperly issued parking ticket.

Data Ticket logo
An improperly issued parking ticket continues to cause problems for a man in Valencia, California. Larry McClements appealed a $45 ticket two years ago after his wife was written up for parking at a curb that was not clearly painted in the no-parking red color. The issue remains unresolved.

McClements had followed the proper procedure and submitted his appeal on August 15, 2005 to the private contractor that issued the citation, Data Ticket Inc. According to the company's website, "Data Ticket is a team of individuals committed to enhancing the revenue of the clients it serves."

At first, Data Ticket claimed McClements was delinquent in his payment of the citation. Later, after reading his appeal, the company agreed to drop the ticket. Despite having a written dismissal in hand, McClements was unable to renew his vehicle registration. The California Department of Motor Vehicle insisted that McClements first pay $45 for the original ticket plus a $20 late fee before.

"If they don't have a process in place to allow everybody to have their day and their say to challenge it, then that process is flawed," McClements told the Santa Clarita Valley Signal newspaper.

Source: Mans Battle Over Citation Wont Go Away (Santa Clarita Valley Signal (CA), 1/25/2007)

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