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Philadelphia: Accept Cameras or Close the Streets
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania suggest the only alternative to red light and speed cameras is to begin closing streets to traffic.

Roosevelt Boulevard
Officials in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania are setting aside engineering improvements to Roosevelt Boulevard, a heavily congested traffic artery through the Northeast section of the city, in favor of profitable red light cameras, photo radar and a $250,000 grant to set up ticketing traps. Red light cameras installed at several intersections along the road have caused an increase in accidents, so the Philadelphia Parking Authority is looking to add photo radar enforcement. Officials are currently testing speed cameras on the road in preparation for the passage of legislation authored by state Representative George T. Kenney Jr. (R-Philadelphia) authorizing their use.

"I think the speed cameras are going to have a greater effect than anything else we could do," City Councilman Brian J. O'Neill told the Philadelphia Inquirer.

O'Neill suggested the only alternative to traffic cameras is to close off the street to motorists. "The mayor should just shut down the middle six lanes until there is a solid plan in place -- or forget the middle lanes are there and green them over."

Source: Mayhem on the Boulevard reaches crisis proportions (Philadelphia Inquirer, 11/7/2006)

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