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Arizona Governor Embraces Speed Cameras
Arizona Governor Napolitano wants speed cameras on every freeway in the state.

Janet Napolitano
Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano (D) yesterday embraced the concept of placing speed cameras on freeways, praising the ticketing system the city of Scottsdale's Loop 101 program that has generated more than $11.3 million in revenue since February 22.

"At least anecdotally, it has been a successful complement to officers on patrol," Napolitano said in remarks to the Granite Reef Senior Center, as reported by the Arizona Republic.

The cameras will be temporarily turned off on October 23 while Scottsdale prepares a report for the legislature to show how successful the devices have been. The report will be generated by a group of public officials and interest groups that profit directly or indirectly from the program. These include AAA and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, both of whose parent organizations sell insurance and collect additional millions from increased annual premiums on every ticket issued by the Loop 101 ticket cameras.

Source: Governor: Speed cameras seem to complement patrols (Arizona Republic, 9/19/2006)

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