Girard, Ohio May Not Appeal Camera DecisionA German speed camera vendor may choose not to appeal a decision striking down speed cameras in Girard, Ohio as unconstitutional.

Fearing an appellate decision that could outlaw the use of photo enforcement throughout the state of Ohio, German speed camera vendor Traffipax may not appeal a lower court decision declaring camera ticketing in Girard illegal under the state constitituon. Trumbull County Common Pleas Court Judge John M. Stuard struck down Girard's speed camera ordinance on July 6.
Allen Shutt, a Traffipax operative, told the Youngstown Vindicator newspaper that his company might decide against fighting the decision. "I am not sure if it will be worth it," he said.
Traffipax said that it does not want to appeal a ruling without the support of the city council. Since the original class action lawsuit against the camera was brought by Dan Moadus, who is now a member of the city council, support is unlikely. Other council members are on record opposing the system because of its devastating effect on local commerce.
"I don't think you will find one [council member] who will say yes," Councilman Tom Seidler told the Vindicator. "Many [business owners] were told by people that they would no longer patronize their business because of the camera. It is hard to attract new business when no one is willing to come in and do business."
Moadus was so confident that the cameras are gone for good that he took down one of the warning signs belonging to Traffipax, which is now demanding either the immediate return of the sign or its value, $100. Moadus said he would not return the sign until the public received refunds for the illegally issued speed camera tickets.
"I am holding it in escrow until they give the money back," Moadus said jokingly. "I cleaned it up and have it put away and will return it when they make good on this deal."
The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 3356 may file suit against Moadus because removing a sign is union work.