Pennsylvania: Lancaster Considers Street Sweeper CamerasLancaster, Pennsylvania may add parking ticket cameras to street sweepers.
Street sweepers in Lancaster, Pennsylvania might add revenue collection to their cleaning duties. Mayor Rick Gray proposes to add photographic ticket capabilities to the sweeping machines. Digital cameras would snap photographs of the license plates of any cars parked on a city street while the machine makes a pass. Later, a private contractor would use a computer to read the license plate numbers off of the photos and automatically mail out a parking violation notices to registered owners in return for a cut of the revenue.
Many residents who park in front of their own home must move their car to allow sweeping. After the sweeper makes its pass, they will often return their car to its original parking spot. The ticketing operation may include a second pass to ticket these residents.
Gray is on the board of directors of the American Motorcyclist Association.
Article Excerpt:
"There is no new policy in effect right now," Gray said, but he added that a change may come later in the spring. "There will be plenty of notice," he said.Source: City may photograph your parked car (Lancaster New Era (PA), 3/21/2006)
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