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France Puts Speed Cameras into Motorcycle Cop Helmets
New technology lets French police hide speed cameras in the helmets of unmarked motorcycles.

French motorcycle police
New technology will allow police motorcycles in France to ticket alleged speeders without having to pull them over. The system currently undergoing testing in the Montpellier region uses miniaturized speed cameras that can be clandestinely mounted in motorcycle helmets. Unmarked motorcycles further allow the officers to blend in and hide themselves among other motorists. The setup ensures police can issue the maximum amount of citations without any contact with the public.

The motorcycles use wireless technology to determine the owner of a vehicle so that tickets can later be mailed out. France has been among the European Union countries leading the effort to mandate electronic ID systems on automobiles to make the process even more seamless.

Source: Police test camera hidden in motorbike helmet (Agence France Presse, 1/9/2006)

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