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Warwick, Rhode Island Says No to Speed Cameras
Warwick, Rhode Island rejects speed camera legislation in spite of testimony from Cranston Mayor Laffey.

Mayor Stephen Laffey
The Warwick City Council on Monday rejected a resolution that would have petitioned the Rhode Island legislature to allow the use of speed cameras within the state. In a 6-2 vote, the council rejected arguments including supporting testimony from Cranston Mayor Stephen Laffey whose own camera plans were cut short by opposition in his own city.

A law allowing speed cameras in the state would be a significant boost for Rhode Island ticket camera vendor Nestor, Inc. which had donated $13,600 to Laffey's Republican primary challenge to U.S. Senator Lincoln Chafee.

Although two Warwick Democrats supported the proposal, Republican councilman Timothy Lee, a Providence police lieutenant, opposed the plan as thinly disguised revenue raising. "It's cloaking it in the interest of public safety," Lee said, as reported in the Providence Journal. "This radar-camera program will not reduce speed-related collisions."

Article Excerpt:
Other council members suggested that removing the interaction between the police officer and the driver would leave no leeway for extenuating circumstances. "The discretion -- I think that's very important. There'd be no discretion here," said council President Donald Torres, a Democrat.
Source: Council refuses to support resolution to seek radar-camera system legislation (Providence Journal (RI), 12/13/2005)

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