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Illinois Toll Road Speed Camera Contract Signed
Illinois toll road officials expect to start with $1.4 million in annual revenue from new freeway speed camera vans.

Illinois Toll Road Authority logo
The Illinois State Toll Highway Authority yesterday approved a contract with ACS to operate speed camera vans in state toll road work zones. The automated speeding ticket program was initially intended to begin in July, but contract issues have delayed the new system until later in the year.

The Authority initially expects to issue about 300 tickets a month as it "ramps up" the program. This would mean over $1.4 million in annual revenue. Most likely the program would only start with the cameras set to issue tickets for driving, for instance, 55 MPH in the 45 MPH freeway zone and then significantly increase the volume of citations by reducing the target speed to, for example, 50 MPH as courts become better prepared to deal with the influx of citations.

The Illinois Department of Transportation expects to sign its own freeway speed camera contract soon. A first offense carries a $375 fine and a second offense a $1000 fine with a 90-day license suspension.

Article Excerpt:
According to the tollway resolution approved Thursday, state police estimate 300 tickets will be issued a month. But [state police Lt. Ray] Snisko said the program would slowly ramp up so speeders do not overwhelm the court system.
Source: Toll work zones get photo radars (Chicago Tribune, 8/26/2005)

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