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Scotland Speed Average Cameras Create Hazard
Scotland's month-old SPECS speed cameras are causing some people to drop far below the speed limit to avoid a ticket.

Scottish officials admit that the newly installed SPECS system that issues speeding tickets based upon the time taken to pass between a pair of cameras is creating a significant traffic hazard. The set of 40 cameras known to locals as "yellow vultures" hang above a 26-mile stretch of the A77 freeway. When drivers see them and realize they are in a camera zone, they often slow well below the speed limit in order to reduce their average speed and avoid a ticket.

Blair Wyllie, road safety officer for South Ayrshire Council admitted the problem existed, telling the Glasgow Evening Times, "Such driving can be hazardous and may cause frustration to drivers following, leading to unsafe overtaking chances being taken."

Speed camera officials continue to back the technology and have rejected calls for providing additional notice of the road's speed limit, which varies from 30 to 70 MPH. This often confuses motorists and is another cause of excessive slowing. SPECS cameras have proven extremely profitable, with a London camera generating £5 million (US $9.6 million) in just three weeks.

Article Excerpt:
Chief Inspector Paul Fleming, head of road policing specialist services, said: "All drivers must understand the speed limits for their type of vehicle and the type of road. "If anyone is in doubt, they should read the Highway Code or visit"
Source: Confused drivers warned over A77 safety cameras (Glasgow Evening Times (UK), 8/3/2005)

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