Tempe, Arizona Looking to Lower Speed LimitsTempe, Arizona is considering lowering speed limits -- a move sure to boost speed camera revenue.

In a move sure to boost photo radar revenue, the city of Tempe, Arizona is currently considering proposals to lower speed limits on city roads. The proposal would bring most of the city's wide and flat streets down to 35 MPH and others down to 40 MPH. This comes despite a police admission that accidents are more caused by traffic not moving than by traffic moving too rapidly.
Police Commander Phil Harris tells the Arizona Republic, "Although we rarely have accidents caused by extreme speeds, by and large accidents in Tempe are caused by traffic backups in rush hour and people being inattentive."
Some of the roads that could be affected are major, six-lane thoroughfares. The city council is expected to take up the issue this month.
Article Excerpt:
The Police Department has been in on the discussion about lowering speed limits since early January. It will be discussed further during the next two weeks.Source: Police looking at proposal on table (Arizona Republic, 3/5/2005)
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