Edmonton Top Cop On Leave Over Columnist, ACS ScandalThe Police Chief in Edmonton, Canada steps down in light of a corruption investigation.

Edmonton, Canada chief of police Fred Rayner has gone on indefinite "medical leave" in light of recent scandals, especially a failed police sting operation against camera critic Kerry Diotte.
Last November, the police set up a stake out at a bar where journalists were gathered intending to arrest Diotte of drunk driving. The columnist, however, wasn't drunk and left the event in a cab. Transcripts of the incident reveal that the police had no legitimate reason to put Diotte under surveillance.
Two senior police officials involved in the incident face disciplinary action. The investigation into improprieties in the ACS photo radar contract continues.
Article Excerpt:
...P1 says, "Yeah, I think the guy who gets this target will never have to pay for a drink as long as he lives."Source: Police scandal hits Edmonton; top cop on leave (CTV (Canada), 2/8/2005)
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