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Scottsdale Cameras Hit the Court System, Taxpayers
Scottsdale, Arizona's new photo radar program has a hidden cost -- it's overwhelming the judicial system.

Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd
Scottsdale, Arizona's new photo radar program has a hidden cost -- it's overwhelming the judicial system. The taxpayers will foot the bill.

With an estimated 50 percent increase in caseload, the court has run out of room and needs more employees at a cost of $1.2 million. Meanwhile the police want to add 38 new officers to issue even more tickets. This all will come from the "public safety" sales tax.

So despite the increased financial burden, e.g. the Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd. camera issued 15,574 tickets all on its own, residents will need to pay even more to keep the judicial system afloat.

Article Excerpt:
"Court and prosecutor caseloads have already been impacted by the police deployment of officers to focus on traffic and DUI," the court administrator's report states. Those caseloads are expected to increase even more as the police department continues to add patrol officers ' 38 will be hired eventually ' funded by the public safety sales tax.
Source: Caseload squeezes court space (East Valley Tribune, 1/15/2005)

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