Scottish Speed Cop Caught Doing 136MPHA traffic officer in Scotland faces jail time for doing 136MPH on a public road.
The tables turned on a traffic cop in Scotland. Usually Blair McMaster is the one handing out the tickets -- but this time his personal Subaru WRX was pulled over for doing 136MPH. He has lost his police driving privileges and faces a possible jail sentence.
Article Excerpt:
A TRAFFIC policeman faces jail after being clocked at 136mph on a killer road. PC Blair McMaster was stopped by his colleagues in his Subaru Impreza WRX on the A9 south of Inverness.Source: 136 MILES PER HOUR (Scottish Sunday Mail, 12/26/2004)
McMaster, who received special training by Northern Constabulary to drive patrol cars and the force's powerful Volvo T5s, has now been stripped of driving duties until the outcome of his case.
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