Speed Cam Has No Effect: Still a SuccessTwo years of speed camera enforcement in Scottsdale has not reduced speeding.
George Orwell would be proud. Despite acknowledging two facts: (A) the public purpose of speed camera enforcement is to reduce speeding; and (B) that speeding has not declined where the cameras are used, Scottsdale officials still maintain that the program is successful. Imagine how much easier your own job would be if you didn't meet your stated goal but could declare your efforts a resounding success. That, or having one of your many cameras issue 8,289 pricey citations in one month was the real goal.
Article Excerpt:
The numbers don't show any significant declines in speeding where the equipment has been in place for at least two years.Source: Photo radar on Frank Lloyd Wright leads tickets (East Valley Tribune (Scottsdale, AZ), 11/30/2004)
Though the program's goal is to reduce speeding, officials say the relatively flat numbers aren't a sign of failure. Rather, it shows the demand to continue photo radar and educate the public that speeding is a major factor in collisions, [Scottsdale traffic engineering director Paul] Porell said.
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