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New Jersey Police Retaliate Against Ticket Blitz Expose
New Jersey state police are being investigated for intimidating radio talk show hosts who exposed a planned ticket blitz.

The Jersey Guys
The New Jersey Attorney General on Friday launched an investigation into state police retaliation against a pair of radio talk show hosts who had exposed an upcoming traffic ticket blitz. State Troopers Fraternal Association president David Jones, an active duty state policeman, broadcast the home address and license plate number of Craig Carton at a news conference.

Jones was incensed that Carton and co-host Ray Rossi, afternoon drivetime hosts known as "The Jersey Guys" on 101.5 FM, discussed the "Crush in May and Cruise in June" program on May 1. Carton had received an email that contained plans for the program from a private web forum limited only to state troopers.

The troopers discussed "crushing" members of the public with speeding tickets for driving 1 MPH over the speed limit during May and then "cruising" at slow speeds on the freeway in June to display their power over motorists. The program was designed to get back at members of the public who criticized the state trooper who on April 12 crashed the official SUV that had been escorting Governor Jon S. Corzine (D) at 91 MPH.

The state police superintendent ordered Jones to cancel his plans to publicize the personal information of Rossi and any other radio station staff.

Source: Trooper official relents on radio disclosures (Newark Star-Ledger (NJ), 5/5/2007)

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