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Update: Death Watch for North Carolina Cameras Begins
The city of High Point, North Carolina admits it will likely drop their camera program if the court denies them revenue.

High Point, North Carolina now admits it will likely cancel this "safety" program Monday's ruling means their camera program will actually cost them money. The court is expected to rule exactly what percentage of the $50 tickets must go to the school system (as required by the state constitution) and whether the city must return around $1.5 million in revenue already collected to the schools. The ruling will likely apply statewide.

Article Excerpt:
"We're either going to have to support it with tax dollars or rethink it," [Fred Baggett, the city's attorney] said. "We don't care that the school system gets the money. If it prevents us from having a program that pays for itself ... then we don't know if it would be best for our citizens to continue or not."
Source: Red-light fines must aid schools (Greensboro News & Record, 1/4/2005)

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