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Europeans Cut Down, Torch Speed Cameras
Vigilantes smashed, sliced and scorched dozens of speed cameras in France, Germany, Italy and the UK last week.

Sliced UK speed camera
By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports

Fleximan returned to Bonate Sopra, Italy, on Thursday. The famed anti-photo radar vigilante cut down the automated ticketing machine on the SS342 for a third time.

In Neuvy-sur-Barangeon, France, vigilantes on Saturday blinded the speed camera on the RD944 with spraypaint. Likewise, in Ypreville-Biville, black paint thwarted the photo radar device on the RD926. On Thursday, the speed camera on the RD902 was set ablaze with fireworks. A trio of French speed cameras were destroyed in the Calvados department on Wednesday. The devices in Cheux, Noron-la-Poterie and Truttemer-le-Grand were set on fire and destroyed completely. In Orne that same day, the photo radar device on the RD976 in Saint-Mars-d'Egrenne was torched. Earlier in the area, the pole-mounted "turret" speed cameras were cut down on Saturday, May 4. Around the same time, bright orange and yellow spraypaint created a happy face on the speed camera on the RD465 in Chaux. The message, "Hi! Hi! Hi!" was added on the side.

On Tuesday, vigilantes in Wales used an angle grinder to cut down the pole-mounted speed camera on Llangyfelach Road in Treboeth, Swansea.

In Ludwigsburg, Germany, the mobile speed camera trap on Besigheimer Strasse in Hessigheimon was smashed by an unknown man who walked past the device on Monday, May 6. In Kaiserslautern, vigilantes torched the speed camera on the B270 on Sunday, May 5. Two suspects are being investigated, according to police.

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