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Italian Speed Cameras Continue To Fall
Italian speed cameras continue to be attacked last week along with photo radar destruction in France, Germany and the UK.

Fleximan carnival costume
By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports

Attacks on speed cameras continued throughout Italy last week, though most of the incidents lacked the signature of Fleximan, who became famous for his use of an angle grinder in disabling automated ticketing machines. In his place, imitators are proving just as effective. On Sunday, someone knocked over the orange "Velo OK" speed camera on Via Morelli in Olgiate Olona, which is located on the outskirts of Milan. Local officials claim a woman drove into the device. In Giulianova on Friday, an unknown vigilante toppled the speed camera on Via Mulino da Capo. On Wednesday, the photo radar on via Mandriole in Ravenna was sliced and tipped over into a ditch. On Tuesday, the pole-mounted speed camera on the SS3 Flaminia in Spoleto was cut down. Also on Tuesday, the speed camera on the Via XXI Ottobre had its interior mechanism smashed with a blunt object -- possibly a sledgehammer. Vigilantes also toppled the speed camera on the Via Santarcangiolese in Poggio Torriana on Monday, February 5.

Six fans of Fleximan dressed up like the vigilante for the Carnival of Aviano in Pordenone on Saturday, February 3. The group donned black clothing and masks while holding mock speed camera poles and angle grinders to the delight of the crowd.

In Exeter, England, an automated ticketing camera was set up on Wonford Road to ticket cars -- but not buses or bicycles -- that enter certain areas as a "temporary" Covid measure that became permanent. Vigilantes blinded the camera with white paint over the weekend. In Schorndorf, Germany, vigilantes on Monday, February 5, used tools to twist the speed camera equipment on Weissenburger Strasse, doing an estimated 2500 euros (US $2700) in damage to the device.

In France on Saturday, tires were placed below the pole-mounted speed camera on the RD424 in Moyenmoutier and set on fire. On the RD420 near Deyvillers, vigilantes applied yellow spraypaint to the lens of the speed camera, adding the message, "A little less for the state" in pink. White paint was used to thwart the speed camera on the RD233 in Allinges.

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