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March Against Speed Cameras In Italy, Attacks In France
Protesters marched against speed cameras in Italy, while four speed cameras were attacked in France last week.

Protest against speed cameras in Italy
By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports

Nearly a hundred gathered in Vigevano, Italy, on Wednesday for a march through the Piazza Ducale to the Via del Popolo demanding that the justice of the peace hear their complaints about the city's abuse of speed cameras. The protesters lamented the impact automated fines have had on motorists already struggling in a depressed economy.

"We ask that they remove the 50km/h (31 MPH) limit which is absolutely absurd on a provincial road where the speed camera trips at 51 or 52 (32 MPH)," the protest organizer explained."

Participants chanted while holding large banners reading "speed camera justice" and "stop scam speed cameras."

In France, a pair of speed cameras were destroyed by fire on Sunday on the RN154 in Irreville and on the RN13 Caillouet-Orgeville. On the previous day, the speed camera on the RD613 in L'Hotellerie was blinded with red spraypaint. In Grostenquin, the speed camera on the RD674 was toppled, spraypainted red and smashed with a sledgehammer on Friday, June 23.

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