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Speed Camera Causes An Accident, Vigilantes Retaliate
Vigilantes took action last week against photo radar devices in Canada, Cyprus, France, Germany, Italy and Spain.

Toppled Canadian speed camera
By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports

On Friday, vigilantes in Bosaro, Italy, cut down the pole-mounted speed camera that had been issuing automated tickets on Statale 16 for the past two months. Near Santa Severa, six people were injured when a police speed camera trap caused a man to brake to avoid receiving a citation in the mail on the A16 on Monday, May 15. The sudden, unexpected braking forced an Audi following behind to take evasive maneuvers to avoid a collision, but the car instead struck the police car on the side of the road and dived into a ditch. All together, six people sustained injuries, one serious enough to require an airlift to a local hospital. In Pai, a 59-year-old man was charged Wednesday with using a slingshot to fire metal balls that shattered the lens of the speed camera on the SR249 on January 26.

Vigilantes in Mississauga, Canada, toppled the speed camera on Atwater Avenue on Sunday, May 14, adding anarchy symbols in red spraypaint on the downed device. Last year, the city reported 164 attacks on photo radar machinery, with this year already on track to exceed that number.

Vigilantes, Ludwigsburg, Germany, on Wednesday smeared white paint over the lens of the speed camera on August-Lammle-Strasse, thwarting the device's ability to generate automated citations. In Jena, opponents of automated ticketing on Monday, May 15, hurled rocks as the mobile speed camera trailer on Grenzstrasse, knocking the device out of commission. In Katlenburg-Lindau, black spraypaint was used to disable the speed camera on Herzberger Strasse on Sunday, May 14. Officials are calling the device "Alice" which is an English acronym for "Autonomous Lidar Concept for Enforcement."

An unidentified vigilante in Girona, Spain, used a saw to begin to cut down the speed camera on Avenida de Palafrugell on Thursday. The device was only partially sliced, forcing the private, for-profit operator of the camera to weld the gash closed. In Cyprus, public-spirited citizens have begun parking their cars on the side of the road behind photo radar vans to block them from photographing passing traffic. In Chateauneuf-d'Ille-et-Vilaine, France, the speed camera on the RD137 was blinded with orange spraypaint on Sunday, May 14.

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